serviced by the communications center. The basic steps
for processing outgoing messages are shown in figure
The system recognizes whichever format is used
upon entry and then validates the start-of-message and
end-of-message. After validation, the system outputs
either an accept or a reject notice to the operator via the
outgoing log. Together with the action notice, the
system then outputs a unique header line to identify the
message. Accepted messages are assigned a Process
Sequence Number (PSN), which is included in the
accept notice. They are then stored on diskette for
recovery purposes and queued for processing on a
first-in, first-out basis by precedence order.
Emergency command or FLASH precedence
messages cause any lower precedence messages to be
interrupted and a cancel transmission (bust) sequence
to be transmitted. The emergency command or FLASH
message is transmitted, and normal message processing
by precedence is resumed.
Messages are selected for processing based on their
precedence and on the order they arrived into the
system; first ones in are the first ones processed out.
The LDMX/NAVCOMPARS validates the message
header and assigns routing indicators (RIs) for delivery
as required.
If the system cannot assign an RI automatically, it
will display the addressee line to the router VDT. The
router may assign the correct RI, place the message on
a queue, reject the message from further processing, or
correct the short title of the addressee if in error.
A system status containing accounting information
pertinent to all the messages on a hold queue will be
displayed to the router via the VDT, when the router
queue is empty or upon demand by the operator. The
router can then retrieve any message on the hold queue
by its PSN. If the router rejects the message, the system
will record it and print a reject notice on the service log.
Any message determined by the LDMX/
NAVCOMPARS system to be duplicated will be
rejected to the service printer with the proper
After all routing is appended to the message, the
system assigns the language and media format (LMF)
Figure 2-8.Steps for processing automatic outgoing messages.