BEADWINDOW procedures deal with Essential
Elements of Friendly Information (EEFIs). EEFIs
The BEADWINDOW procedure uses the code
are established by operational commanders. EEFIs
word BEADWINDOW and a number combination
identify specific items of information which, if revealed
(from the EEFI list) that is transmitted immediately to
and correlated with other information, would degrade
the unit disclosing an EEFI. The code word notifies the
the security of military operations, projects, or missions
unit that it has committed the disclosure, and the
in the applicable areas. EEFIs can, therefore, vary from
number combination provides specific identity of the
operation to operation or from area to area. Table 2-3
item disclosed. For example, when any station of the
contains an EEFI key number and key word definition
net commits a disclosure of an EEFI, net control (or any
station observing the disclosure) calls the violator with
Table 2-3.Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFIs)