associated software. The PCMT (shown in figure l-l)
is a PC-based microcomputer. The PCMT is a major
step toward modernizing the entire Naval
Telecommunications System.
Personal Computer Message Terminal
The Personal Computer Message Terminal
(PCMT) is a remarkable military message-processing
software package that runs on a combination of IBM-
compatible PC- or AT-class desktop microcomputers
and input/output devices called bus interface units
(BIUs). The PCMT has the following advantages:
For sites having a message relay requirement,
the PCMT system eliminates handling torn paper
For small naval telecommunications centers
(NTCs), the PCMT provides a sophisticated,
easy-to-use automated message-handling
For Local Digital Message Exchange (LDMX)
or Naval Communications Processing and
Routing System (NAVCOMPARS) subscribers
that must be served remotely, the PCMT can
provide an excellent, low-cost remote terminal
capability. Received traffic can be reviewed at a
terminal and selected messages shifted to a
printer when a hardcopy is needed. The system
will allow the operator to compose and save any
number of partially completed pro forma
messages. Subsequently, these messages can
quickly and easily be retrieved, completed, and
sent whenever needed.
The PCMT allows messages to be exchanged via
diskette media. For users who wish to exchange
AUTODIN message traffic with their own PC-
Figure 1-1.Personal Computer Message Terminal (PCMT)
with printer.
based systems, the PCMT provides an excellent
vehicle for doing so.
PCMT System
The PCMT message-processing system is a store-
and-forward system that provides full accountability for
all messages transmitted and received. The PCMT
consists of a microcomputer configured with an 84-key
keyboard, monitor, hard disk, and one or two floppy
diskette drives. The PCMT also includes a medium-
speed printer for printing message logs and hard-copy
messages when required. Bus interface units (BIUs) are
required to interface between the PCMT and the
automated shore systems.
The PCMT microprocessor has 640K (minimum)
of random-access memory (RAM) and uses the
Microsoft® Disk Operating System (MS/DOS). The
PCMT has a 5 1/4- and 3 l/2-inch disk drive capability.
The minimum hard disk has a capacity of 10 million
bytes. The hard disk varies based on software and user
storage requirements. The PCMT may have either a
nonremovable or removable drive, depending upon the
users security requirements.
The MS/DOS software is designed for a single
workstation operation with operator-entered
commands controlling the workstation. Powerful,
easy-to-use message edit software will help the operator
correct errors in input data from diskettes and generate
messages. The monitors are monochrome except where
the software has been coded to display pertinent
information in color. In the next paragraphs, we will
describe some of the capabilities of the PCMT.
The PCMT system assigns a message
accountability number (MAN) to each complete or
partial message processed. Once a MAN is assigned,
the system reports each step in the processing of that
message. This is done by automatically generated and
on-demand log entries and on-demand message
accountability reports. Message accountability reports
identify all processing activity completed or pending
for each message processed by the system.
The system also generates a log entry each time a
complete or partial message is received, transmitted, or
canceled. All messages received from or delivered to a
diskette are further identified in the log entries and
message accountability reports by the appropriate
diskette volume identification.
The PCMT can be used to recall a specific message
from the hard disk, which can be printed on an output