(ROUTINE) is the first element. The prosign Y
(YANKEE) is an emergency command precedence
(ECP) and is assigned to emergency action messages
(EAMs). The prosign Y indicates that a message has
FLASH preemption capability. EAMs are processed
ahead of all other traffic and interrupt lower precedence
traffic already in processing within the AUTODIN
Positions 2 and 3 (Language and Media
Format) The language and media format (LMF)
consists of two alphabetical characters. The LMF is the
mode used to insert a message into the AUTODIN
system. The LMF of the originating station is placed in
position 2, and the LMF of the preferred output device
of the addressee is placed in position 3. For example, in
figure 1-2, positions 2 and 3 have the character T. The
character Tin position 2 indicates that the originators
transmitting mode is paper tape (TTY/teleprinter) (five-
level ITA2 code). The character T in position 3
indicates that the output device at the receiving end will
be paper tape (TTY) (five-level ITA2 code). If the
character C was used in position 3, this would indicate
that the message was prepared and transmitted on paper
tape and the output device at the receiving message
center would be magnetic tape. Automated Digital
Network (AUTODIN) Operating Procedures, JANAP
128, lists the LMFs used in the AUTODIN system.
Position 4 (Classification) The letters
authorized to indicate the message classification or
special handling in this position are:
Positions 5 through 8 (Content Indicator Code
[CIC]/Communication Action Identifier
[CAI]) These positions of the header are a
combination of either four letters or three letters and one
number. These combinations are used to indicate
message content and to provide identification for
communications handling. For example, in figure 1-2,
the CAI in positions 5 through 8 is ZYUW. This
identifies the message as a narrative message. A CAI of
ZFH2 would mean that the message is being forwarded
to the addressee for information only. A CAI of ZYVW
would indicate that the message is a service message. A
complete listing of these codes is found in JANAP 128.
Position 9 (Separator) At this point in the
header, the operator must press the space bar to insert
the TTYcode equivalent for space on the message tape.
Positions 10 through 16 (Originator) The
appropriate routing indicator of the originating station
is placed in these positions.
Positions 17 through 20 (Station Serial
Number) The station serial number (SSN) of the
sending station is inserted here. The SSN serves two
specific purposes. First, when used in combination with
the originators routing indicator, it provides positive
identification for each transmission. Second, in the end
of message (EOM) validation (discussed later in this
section), the SSN appearing in format line 15 provides a
means by which the ASCs can check for the existence of
straggler messages.
The SSN is expressed in four numeric characters,
beginning with 0001 and continuing consecutively
through 9999. A new series begins when the number
9999 is reached. Operating stations may use SSNs to
identify local activities, channels, or positions within a
station by assigning each activity a specific block of
numbers. For example, one station may be assigned
numbers 0001 to 2000; the next station 2001 to 4000,
and so on.
Position 21 (Separator) This position requires
the same information as that for position 9.
Positions 22 through 24 (Julian Date) The
Julian date is the date that the message was received
from the originator for transmission by the
communications center. The first day of the calendar
year is Julian 001, and each day is numbered
consecutively thereafter.
Positions 25 through 28 (Time Filed) The time
filed is the time that the message was received from the
originator by the communications center for
transmission. Each filing time is expressed in
Greenwich mean time (GMT) and must contain four
numerical characters.
Positions 29 through 33 (Classification
Redundancy) For security reasons, the classification
designator used in position 4 is repeated here. Position
29 is filled with a hyphen as a sentinel. The
classification designator in position 4 is repeated in
positions 30 through 33.