may not be readdressed nor referenced in other narrative
SPECAT messages are handled only by those
personnel who are authorized to view them as approved
in writing by the commanding officer.
The naval warfare publications library (NWPL) is
the designation assigned to that group of
communications and operational publications
designated as part of the publication allowance for the
command. These publications contain required
procedures, signals, and other information of an
operational or mission-essential nature. They may also
include information involving safety. The NWPL
provides for the central administration and maintenance
of communications and operational publications.
These publications include, but are not limited to:
Naval telecommunications publications (NTPs);
Naval warfare publications (NWPs);
Fleet exercise publications (FXPs);
Allied tactical publications (ATPs);
Allied exercise publications (AXPs);
USN addenda to allied publications; and
Miscellaneous allied publications.
The objective of central administration of naval
warfare publications (NWPs) is to ensure that these
publications are correct and readily available for their
intended use. Some NWPs contain information that is
necessary for the proper performance of individual
duties and is important for individual professional
development. Therefore, NWPs must be readily
available for use by individuals with a duty-related need
or a general professional need for the information.
The responsibility for managing the NWPL is
assigned to an officer or senior petty officer who is
responsible to the executive officer, department head,
or division officer. This assignment is a collateral duty,
and the person assigned is known as the naval warfare
publications custodian (NWPC). This person is
responsible for the overall administration and security
of the NWPL in accordance with the Naval Warfare
Documentation Guide, NWP 0 (NWP 1-01).
The NWPL clerk is a person assigned by the
NWPC. The clerk is responsible for the upkeep and
maintenance of the library. The NWPL clerk maintains
all records and receipts in the central file, orders all
necessary publications and changes thereto, and enters
all changes and amendments to publications physically
held in the NWPL. The clerk reports all matters of
concern to the library custodian.
The NWPL custodian issues publications to holders
and short-term users. A holder is a person who has
permanent subcustody of a publication under the central
control of the NWPL. The holder is responsible for
maintaining the publication, entering all changes and
amendments, and providing adequate security. A user
is a person who checks out a publication for temporary
or short-term custody.
Signature custody and disclosure records for
classified material are maintained as required by the
Security Manual. Signature custody of unclassified
publications is not required. However, the records of
the NWPL should provide an up-to-date location of
publications that have been issued to holders or checked
out to users. Where signature custody is not required,
a locator card maybe used in place of a catalog card to
check out publications to users.
Several basic files are used in maintaining the
NWPL. One is the custody file, which contains a
NWPL Catalog Card, OPNAV Form 5070-11 (figure
2-11), for each naval warfare publication on allowance
or on board. The purpose of this file is to maintain an
up-to-date record of the holder and location of each
publication. This record also helps keep track of entries
and changes to the publication. The catalog card can
also be used as a custody card and as a destruction
record. When used as a record for security purposes, it
must be retained as required by the Security Manual.
The administrative file, sometimes called the
transaction file, contains designation letters for
custodian, local allowance/inventory sheets, the
directives file, responsibility acknowledgment forms,