The timely and accurate entry of changes to NWPL
publications is necessary to ensure accurate, up-to-date
information as well as information continuity. The
NWPL clerk is responsible for making changes or
corrections to NWPL publications or ensuring that
holders receive. and make the changes in a timely
Changes are often so numerous that all
communications personnel may become involved in
making them. The NWPL clerk is responsible for
ensuring that all personnel making changes or
corrections to NWPL publications know the proper
procedures for making these changes. These
procedures are a follows:
Check the Foreword or Letter of Promulgation
of the change for the effective date of the
change/correction to ensure that the publication
to be corrected is effective.
Read all the specific instructions contained in the
change or correction before making the entry.
Use any dark ink EXCEPT RED for pen-and-ink
entries. Red is not visible under red night lights
used aboard ship.
Type lengthy pen-and-ink corrections on a
paste-in cutout. All superseded matter must be
deleted in ink prior to inserting the cutout.
Use flaps when no room exists for a cutout.
When used, flaps should be attached to the
binder side of the page.
Use rubber cement or mucilage for pasting
instead of glue or gummed tape.
Make a notation in the margin adjacent to the
entry after making pen-and-ink corrections,
citing the source of the correction; for example,
ALCOM 007/96.
After page changes are entered, a page check must
be conducted and the page change and page check
recorded on the Record of Changes and Corrections
Corrections to NWPL publications are issued by
message when the material requires rapid
dissemination. These numerical message corrections
(NMCs) are normally sent as general messages. NMCs
are assigned a two-number designation separated by a
slant sign. The first number indicates the sequential
number of the message correction to the original or
revised publication. The last number is the printed
change that incorporates the material. For example,
NMC 7/3 is the 7th message correction and is
incorporated into the publication by change 3.
A publication notice gives a brief summary of a new
publication or change. The notice is included with each
hardback copy and is furnished solely for routing by the
NWPC. These notices keep all cognizant personnel
informed of the changes to naval warfare publications.
The notices are destroyed when no longer useful.
To ensure positive control of NWPL publications,
a watch-to-watch inventory should be conducted. At
the change of each watch, the watches jointly conduct
a visual inventory of every publication held by the
watch section. Those loose-leaf publications requiring
a page check at the end of the watch must be indicated
on the inventory sheet.
The signing of the watch-to-watch inventory by the
relieving watch certifies that the publications were
sighted, the required page checks were conducted, and
that the relieving watch stander is responsible for them.
Any discrepancies should be resolved prior to the
relieving of the watch.
All signatures in the watch-to-watch inventory
must be in ink. The inventory may be destroyed after
30 days if it is no longer needed for local reference. If
watch-to-watch inventories are not required aboard
ship, a daily inventory is required.
Naval warfare publications may be extracted/
reproduced for use in training or operations of U.S.
forces. All extracts must be properly marked with the
security classification and safeguarded in accordance
with the Security Manual.
The classification assigned to an extract is the
highest classification assigned to any article, paragraph,
page, or pages from which the information is taken.
Guidance for allied (NATO) publications is found in
their NATO letters of promulgation.