. Letterspacing and leading You can adjust
space both horizontally and vertically.
Letterspacing refers to the addition of small
spaces between l|e|t|t|e|r|s within a word.
Leading refers to the space added between lines
of material.
You can create an index or table of contents by
marking special words for an index or use headings and
sideheadings to make a table of contents.
Desktop Publishing Layout
Layout involves arranging the text and graphics on
the page. The text may flow from column to column on
multicolumn documents like the newspaper. You may
have to move text from one part of a document to
another using the electronic pasting features. You can
incorporate illustrations on a page with text. Borders
may be drawn around text or illustrations. Illustrations
may be sized (made smaller or larger), and additional
letter spacing and leading may be added to create a full
page. To lay out a pleasing document requires
experience and practice as well as a good eye for
balance. You will find the following features in most
desktop publishing packages:
Lay out pages and edit page layouts You can
lay out pages electronically, rather than having to
cut and paste using scissors and glue.
Incorporate text and graphics Your text and
graphics can be electronically merged together
in the layout.
Multiple columns, column widths, and
heights The software automatically formats
multiple columns on continued pages. You
specify how many columns are to be on a page
and the amount of gutter space desired. Gutter
space is the amount of space between columns.
Vertical/horizontal printing Material can be
printed either vertically or horizontally on a
sheet of paper.
Fit copy to page You can fit the copy to a page
either by reducing the type size, increasing or
decreasing borders or margins, and any other
number of creative ways you can come up
with-changing the size of an illustration,
cutting off (cropping) an illustration, or even
rewording some of the text.
Automatic page numbering You can have
the software automatically number the pages.
Headers and footers You can also have
appropriate headers (titles) at the top of every
page and footers at the bottom of every page.
Headers or footers can usually include page
Desktop Publishing Graphics
Desktop publishing packages have the capability to
scan or import illustrations/graphics either from
hardcopy or from digital data. The following are
graphics features you can expect to find in DTP
Graphic images You can add images, borders,
lines, arrows, and so on, of various sizes to the
Shrink/expand and edit images You can
reduce or enlarge images to fit in a desired space.
If necessary, the images can be altered or edited.
Accept images from scanners or other draw
programs You can import images from a
scanner or digitizer.
These images can be in
either text or graphic form. Images can also be
imported from either a paint or draw-type
graphics package.
Layered output for color printing You can
create camera-ready copy for color separation
work when an outside printing process is
required. Color work is done by creating up to as
many as four film negatives (one for each of the
primary colorsred, yellow, and blue) plus
black. Each negative is used to create a separate
printing plate for each color. Then, as the colors
are overprinted, the color of the original
photograph is reproduced.
Hardware Requirements
Unlike the software packages previously discussed,
desktop publishing packages (and graphics software
packages) require a considerable amount of resources.
To give you a better idea of what we are talking about,
the following are hardware requirements:
At a minimum, you will need
. Microprocessor
a 486 sixteen-bit microprocessor or equivalent.
A Pentium or 586 (or equivalent) is even better.