Most database packages provide you with some
type of query language that allows you to query a
database to obtain answers about the contents of the
database, insert new data, update information in various
tables, and create views. By using various commands
and control statements, you can perform arithmetic,
logical, and comparison operations on the data you have
Desktop publishing (DTP) packages are used
primarily for designing and publishing professional
looking documents. They offer you a wide variety of
publishing applications. Typical applications include
newsletters, advertisements, letterheads, reports,
presentations, catalogs, books (such as this TRAMAN),
brochures, or flyers, forms, business cards, contracts,
magazines, and overhead displays. Again, you will see
and hear new terms when you begin working with
desktop publishing software. These terms come
primarily from the printing/publishing industry.
Desktop Publishing Composition
Composition includes defining the sizes and styles
of type to be used, the amount of space to allow between
horizontal letters and vertical lines, and coding the text
(copy) to meet these standards and definitions.
You can enter and edit text directly or you can input
text created using a word processing program.
Documents created in word processing programs can be
imported into the DTP software. Once they are
imported, you can manipulate the text (copy) any way
you want to satisfy your particular publication needs.
The following are features and terms you need to
become familiar with:
Type styles and sizes Type is classified
according to its style of letter and size. You can
choose a variety of type styles (typefaces) and
sizes to create impressive forms, letterheads,
brochures, flyers, and so on. Examples of
Courier and Roman-WP are shown in Table 3-1.
Notice each is in a different size. Printers
measurements are based on the point system.
The point is approximately 1/72 of an inch.
When you hear someone say 8-point type, that
simply means that the body of the type measures
1/9 of an inch from top to bottom; 12-point type
measures 1/16 of an inch, and so on. The
typeface itself is seldom as large as the body,
because a small shoulder or ledge is left below
the letter on most type. Type sizes range from 3-
to 120-point. You will also see the term font used
in connection with desktop publishing and word
processing. A font is a collection of characters of
unified designthe typeface and point size are
needed to specify a font. However, the term font
The features of desktop publishing can be
categorized as composition, layout, and graphics.
Lets take a look at each area.
is often used interchangeably with typeface.
Table 3-1.Table of Type Styles in Several Fonts