radioteleprinters can be relayed, as well as voice, using
this circuit.
The secure voice network is designed to provide
red-time voice communications between forces afloat
and operational commanders ashore, using either HF or
satellite connectivity. This system is commonly
referred to as GPS Worldwide HICOMM.
System Control
This system consists of three separate networks.
Each network has an area control station controlled by a
CINCUSNAVEUR. Each area has subarea control
stations determined by each FLTCINC to ensure
worldwide coverage.
Satellite System Control
The secure voice system, using satellite
transmissions, has limited shore access points at the
four COMMAREA master stations and
NAVCOMTELSTA Stockton, California. These sites
serve as the interface channel to both the wideband and
narrowband voice systems in order to extend calls to
operational commanders ashore.
Net Membership
If a ship, aircraft, or shore station needs to enter the
secure voice network, it must be prepared to do so with
minimum time delay. Units desiring to enter the net on a
temporary basis must specify the length of time and
purpose for entering the net. They must also obtain
permission from the appropriate control station. The
area net control station (NECOS) is responsible for
completing all calls originating from senior commands
to all commands, ships, or aircraft within the specific
FLTCINCs net. Certain rules must be observed when
on the secure voice net, as follows:
HF transmitter tuning is prohibited on secure
voice. Transmitters must be calibrated and
pretuned on a dummy load. Final tuning may be
accomplished during live transmissions.
All stations must maintain a continuous log on
secure voice. The actual time of significant
transmissions must be entered into the log.
When available, recording devices must be used
in lieu of a paper log.
The net operates as a free net unless otherwise
directed by the area FLTCINC. NECOS retains
the prerogative of exercising control over all
transmissions to ensure proper circuit discipline.
Full-period terminations are dedicated circuits that
provide communications between shore stations and
afloat commands. These terminations require
allocation of limited NCTAMS/NCTS assets.
Therefore, the criteria for requesting, approving, and
establishing such circuits is necessarily strict.
Termination Requests
Afloat commands and individual units can request
full-period termination during special operations,
deployments, intensive training periods, or exercises
when primary ship-shore circuits will not suffice.
Commands should request full-period terminations
only when traffic volume exceeds speed and capability
of ship-shore circuits and when operational sensitivity
requires circuit discreetness or effective command and
control necessitates dedicated circuits.
T h e h e a v y d e m a n d s p l a c e d u p o n
NCTAMS/NCTSs for full-period terminations require
maximum cooperation between shore stations and
afloat commanders prior to and during an operation.
Ships having a need for a full-period termination, either
for training or operational requirements, must submit a
termination request to the COMMAREA master station
at least 48 hours prior to activation time.
Emergency commitments or a command directive
may necessitate a lead time of less than 48 hours.
Whenever possible, however, the 2-day limit must be
honored to achieve maximum preparation and
coordination. NTP 4 gives details of required
information that must be included in a termination
request message.
The COMMAREA master station will assign a
shore station for a ships termination circuit. Once the
shore station has been assigned, both the ship and the
station may begin coordination to identify specific
equipment keylists and frequencies needed to effect
termination. The shore station will also act as NECOS.
Two hours prior to the scheduled termination, the shore
station can coordinate with the ship by telephone, local
circuitry, or by primary ship-shore.
When the ship shifts terminations, the securing of
the current termination and the establishment of a new