Some of the systems in the previous figures
contained cryptographic equipment. Cryptographic
equipment is only one of a number of the elements that
make up a secure communications system. Though
several different types of on-line cryptoequipments are
in use throughout the naval communications system,
they are all designed to perform the same basic function:
to encipher and decipher teleprinter or digital data
Simply stated, the transmitter accepts a plain text
teleprinter or data signal containing classified material
from the classified patch panel (red). It then adds a
key, and relays the sum as cipher text, or an
enciphered signal. A key is a sequence of random
binary bits used to initially set and periodically change
permutations in cryptoequipment for decrypting
electronic signals.
Following this encryption, the signal is fed to the
unclassified patch panel (black). Here, it is patched
directly to the frequency-shift keyer or the multiplex
equipment of the transmitter and converted into an
audio signal. The audio signal, now in a form suitable
for transmission, is routed to the transmitter via the
transmitter transfer switchboard.
On the receive side, the signal flow is quite similar
to the send side in reverse order. The receiver accepts
the enciphered signal from the black patch panel and
generates a key to match the one generated by the
transmitter. The receiver then subtracts the key from the
cipher text input (which restores the plaintext
teleprinter or data signal). Finally, it passes the signal
on to the red patch panel for dissemination to the
terminal equipment for printout.
For further information and operator instructions
on a specific type of cryptoequipment, refer to the
applicable KAO publication.
Because of the traffic volume handled, many ships
and shore stations require multiple teleprinter circuits
on one sideband circuit. The method for increasing
circuits on a sideband is called multiplexing. The Navy
uses two multiplexing techniques in communications:
time division and frequency division. The AN/UCC-1
Telegraph Multiplex Terminal uses the frequency-
division technique.
The AN/UCC-1 Telegraph Multiplex Terminal
(figure 1-8) is a frequency-division multiplexed
terminal equipment for use with single-sideband (SSB)
or double-sideband (DSB) radio circuits, audio-
frequency wire lines, or microwave circuits. The
AN/UCC-1 is normally used afloat on a multichannel
ship-shore full-period termination (discussed later).
The following is an overview of how the AN/
UCC-1 works:
At the transmitting station, the signals from the
individual circuits, known as channels, are
multiplexed into one composite signal for
transmission. The transmission with the
multiplexed channels is known as a tone
At the receiving station, the composite signal
(tone package) is demultiplexed (separated) into
individual signals and distributed to separate
teleprinters, as required.
The terminal can operate in a nondiversity, audio-
frequency diversity, space diversity, or radio-frequency
diversity mode. Because of this versatility, the terminal
is installed in various configurations throughout the
Each electrical equipment cabinet houses one
control attenuator (right side) and up to a maximum of
eight frequency-shift keyers or eight frequency-shift
Since the control attenuator, keyers, and converters
are solid-state, integrated-circuit, plug-in modules, the
number of channels can be varied by increasing or
decreasing the total number of modules. Depending
upon the number of modules and the configuration
used, the terminal can provide up to 16 narrowband
For example, if the terminal has keyers in the top
cabinet and converters in the bottom cabinet, the system
could transmit different information on eight channels.
Each keyer would represent a channel on the transmit
side and each converter, a channel on the receive side.
Each frequency-shift keyer accepts a dc telegraph
signal input from an external loop and generates the
appropriate audio-frequency mark and space
frequency-shift output. The individual keyers each
contain two oscillators operating on opposite sides of a
center frequency. For example, in figure 1-9, the center
frequency of keyer number one is 425 Hz, the mark
frequency is 382.5 Hz, and the space frequency is 467.5