Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
Identify the procedures used in handling, inventorying, destroying, and
setting up COMSEC equipment.
Identify reports and forms associated with CMS reporting requirements.
Identify the procedures and measures to be used with transmission security.
As a Radioman, you will often deal with sensitive
subject matter that requires special security handling.
It is for this reason that we have communications
security (COMSEC). Within the framework of
COMSEC, we have directives and requirements that
deal specifically with communications material.
COMSEC involves all the protective measures
taken to deny unauthorized persons information
derived from the possession and study of telecom-
munications relating to national security. COMSEC
also consists of the measures taken to ensure the
authenticity of our communications. COMSEC
includes the following:
Cryptosecurity, which results from measures
taken to provide technically sound cryptosys-
tems and their proper use;
Physical security, which results from physical
measures taken to safeguard COMSEC material
and information;
Transmission security, which results from
measures designed to protect transmissions from
interception and exploitation by means other
than cryptoanalysis; and
Emission security, which results from measures
taken to deny unauthorized persons information
derived from the interception and analysis of
emanations from crypto and telecommunica-
tions equipments.
In this chapter, we will see how these elements of
COMSEC are unique to the duties of a Radioman.
The Navy has instituted a unique distribution
system to achieve technically sound cryptosystems.
The Navy has also developed strict accountability and
control procedures to ensure proper use of
The CMS is designed to ensure the proper
distribution, handling, and control of COMSEC
material and to maintain the cryptographic security of
communications. Procedures governing the CMS can
be found in Communications Security Material System
(CMS) Policy and Procedures Manual, CMS 1.
CMS Account
Every command with a CMS account is assigned
an account number by the Director, Communications
Security Material System (DCMS). A command or
activity with a CMS account number receives its
COMSEC material directly from national and Navy
sources. A CMS account command may also be
responsible for COMSEC material transferred to other
commands. The command assigns a CMS custodian