When COMSEC material is issued to a watch
station, the area must be occupied and operated on a
24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis; an 8-hour, 5-day-a-week
basis; or any similar basis (for example, combat
information center (CIC)). COMSEC material
received at a watch station must be signed for on a local
custody document.
When you are on duty, the watch supervisor is
responsible for all the COMSEC material listed on the
watch-to-watch inventory. Additionally, any required
page checks will be conducted prior to assuming
responsibility for the listed COMSEC material.
Any inventory discrepancies found must be
reported immediately to the CMS custodian or an
alternate custodian in accordance with CMS 1 and also
logged in the RADAY log.
CMS Inventory
Each time a watch section changes, the oncoming
watch supervisor and a witness must inventory all
COMSEC material held at a watch station. Two-person
integrity must be maintained at all times during the
inventory. When you inventory COMSEC material,
you must do the following:
Account for all keying material and page-check
open keying packages;
Visually inventory all COMSEC equipment and
account for equipment by quantity; and
Page-check all COMSEC publications.
The inventory sheet must list COMSEC material by
short title, edition, and accounting number (if any).
Both persons must sign the inventory sheet. CMS 1
outlines the requirements for inventorying COMSEC
COMSEC Material Accounting Reports
COMSEC material accounting reports provide an
audit trail for all accountable COMSEC material.
Reports may be prepared manually or be computer-
generated. There are specific requirements for
submitting all reports, including where they go and who
they go to. These requirements are found in CMS 1.
The following reports are briefly described as to
their general use. This list is not all-inclusive.
1 .
2 .
4 .
5 .
Transfer Report Used to document and
report the transfer of COMSEC material from
one CMS account to another or one holder to
Destruction Report Used to document or
report the physical destruction of COMSEC
material. The destruction must be witnessed by
two appropriately cleared and authorized
persons. The report must be completed
immediately after the material is destroyed.
Destruction reports are not normally submitted
to DCMS unless directed to do so by DCMS.
a. Local destruction Destruction will be
documented and retained locally using a SF
153, or a locally prepared equivalent form
(CMS 25). Top Secret and Secret
destruction reports must be kept for 2 years.
Local destruction records are mandatory for
all AL 1 and 2 COMSEC, regardless of
classification, and optional for AL 3 and 4
COMSEC material classified Confidential
and below.
Receipt Report Used to document or report
receipt of COMSEC material (usually used with
a transfer report).
Inventory Report Used to document and
report the physical inventory of COMSEC
material. There are three types of CMS
inventories. Fixed-cycle (FC), Special, and
Fixed-cycle inventory is to ensure that all
accounts satisfy the national requirements
for a semiannual inventory of keymat and an
annual inventory of equipment and
Special SF 153 inventory is to satisfy the
Navy requirement to conduct and document
the mandatory Change of Command and
Custodian inventories.
Combined SF 153 inventory may
sometimes be used for both the requirements
for a Fixed-cycle inventory and a Special
two-sided document used to record destruction
of individual, one-time keying material
segments of COMSEC material. Side one is
numbered 1-31 for daily use; the reverse side