level layers (say 5, 6, and 7) might be very simple or
possibly nonexistent. However, in a very complex data
communications system, all seven software layers may
be implemented. Although there is no requirement for
any hardware or software vendor to adhere to the
principles set forth in the OSI model, there is a
worldwide trend in the computer industry toward
acceptance and conformance to these standards.
About now, you may be asking yourself, what are
these seven software layers (shown in figure 1-8), and
why all the need for protocols? Dont all computers
work in binary? Do they not all have operating
systems? If a computer wants to communicate with
another system, do you not simply connect them
together using some type of cable? The answers to these
questions are yes, yes, and yes; however, the
commonalities seem to stop there.
Ideally, if the hardware, network software,
application software, and cabling were all supplied by
the same manufacturer, we would have relatively few
problems to contend with when we design and
implement a network. Everything would work together
rather smoothly. However, a computer manufacturers
architecture can make it difficult to interconnect
h a r d w a r e o f f e r e d b y o t h e r c o m p e t i ng
manufacturers/vendors. The protocols used by
communications devices are also highly complex and
are often completely different from one manufacturer to
another. Then, there is the network software. Network
software from one LAN vendor usually wont work on a
competitors network, nor will the application
programs. Even the cabling must be selected for a
specific local-area network.
We could go on and on explaining the many
incompatibilities that exist within these different areas,
but the good news is that many hardware and software
manufacturers/vendors provide interfaces. These
various types of interfaces (bridges, gateways, routers,
and so on) allow networks to be compatible with one
another. At this point, we briefly talk about the seven
software layers defined in the OSI model to give you
some idea of what they are and why they are needed. To
illustrate how the OSI model works, we are using the
analogy of sending a letter using the U.S. postal system.
Layer lThe physical layer is concerned with
the transmission of the unstructured raw bit stream over
a physical meduim. It addresses the electrical,
mechanical, and functional interface to the carrier. It is
the physical layer that carries the signals for all the
higher layers, as follows:
Voltages and pulse encoding of bits
Media and media interface (cables, connectors,
NIC, and so on)
Line discipline (full- or half-duplex)
Pin assignments
In our mail analogy, the mail truck and the highway
provide the services of the physical layer.
Layer 2The data link layer provides error-free
transmission of information over the physical medium.
This allows the next higher layer to assume virtually
error-free transmission over the link. The data link layer
is responsible for getting data packaged and onto the
network cable. It manages the flow of the data bit
stream into and out of each network node, as follows:
. Creates and recognizes frame boundaries
l Checks received messages for integrity
. Manages channel access and flow control
. Ensures correct sequence of transmitted data
The data link layer detects, and when possible,
corrects errors that occur in the physical layer without
using the functions of the upper layers. It also provides
flow-control techniques to ensure link-buffer capacity
is not exceeded. In our analogy, the data link layer is
concerned with sending the mail trucks onto the
highway and making sure they arrive safely.
Layer 3The network layer decides which
physical pathway the data should take, based on
network conditions, priorities of service, and other
factors. Software on the network interface card must
build the data packet so the network layer can recognize
and route the data to the correct destination address. It
relieves the upper layers of the need to know anything
about the data transmission and switching technologies
used to connect the systems. It is responsible for
establishing, maintaining, and terminating connections
across the intervening communications facility, as
Addresses messages
Sets up the path between communicating nodes
on possibly different networks
Routes messages among networks
Is concerned with the sequence delivery of data