SB-1203/UGQ (figure 1-7). The SB-1210/UG is
intended for use with cryptographic devices; the SB-
1203/UGQ is a general-purpose panel.
The patch panels are red or black to identify secure
and nonsecure information. Red indicates that secure
(classified) information is being passed through the
panel. Black indicates that nonsecure (unclassified)
information is being passed through the panel.
Both panels are also labeled with signs. The red
panel sign has 1-inch-high white block letters that read
RED PATCH PANEL. The black panel normally has
two black signs containing l-inch-high white block
letters. One sign reads BLACK PATCH PANEL and
the other, UNCLAS ONLY.
Each panel contains six channels. Each channel has
its own series circuit of looping jacks, set jacks, and a
rheostat for adjusting line current. The number of
looping and set jacks in each channel varies with the
panel model. Each panel includes a meter and rotary
selector switch for measuring the line current in any
Six miscellaneous jacks are contained in each
panel. Any teleprinter equipment not regularly
assigned to a channel maybe connected to one of these
jacks. In some instances, commonly used combinations
of equipment are permanently wired together within the
panel (called normal-through).
Figure 1-7.Teleprinter patch panels.