connected to the secure voice equipment, which
encrypts the information received.
The output of the secure voice equipment is
connected to the transmitter transfer
The transmitter transfer switchboard is used to
connect numerous RPUs to any number of
The output of the patch panel is connected to the
transmitter side of the transceiver, which, in
turn, is connected to an antenna coupler.
Figure 1-6 shows a basic diagram of a UHF receive
system. We will next follow the UHF signal path
through the receive side of the system.
The received signal is picked up by the antenna
and connected to the receiver side of the
transceiver through the antenna coupler.
The output of the receiver is connected to the
receiver transfer switchboard. From here, it can
be connected to either the nonsecure or the
secure voice systems, depending upon the mode
of transmission.
When a nonsecure signal is received, the output
of the receiver transfer switchboard can be
connected to the radio set control or a speaker
amplifier, or both, depending on the preference
of the user.
The output of the radio set control is connected
to a handset, whereas the output of the speaker
amplifier is connected to a speaker.
If a secure voice transmission is received, the
output of the receiver transfer switchboard is
connected to the secure voice equipment, where
it is decrypted.
The secure voice equipment output is connected
to the secure voice matrix. The secure voice
matrix performs the same function as the matrix
on the transmit system.
The secure voice matrix output is connected to
the secure remote phone unit. Here, the signal is
converted back to its original form.
The super-high-frequency (SHF) band (3-30 GHz)
is strictly for line-of-sight communications. It is
configured much the same as the UHF system. SHF is
mainly used for satellite communications.
SHF satellite communications is a high-volume
system that offers reliable tactical and strategic
communications services to U.S. Navy elements ashore
and afloat. The system is composed of the terminal
segment, consisting of U.S. Navy-operated Earth
terminals and mobile terminals. It also includes a
portion of the Defense Satellite Communications
System (DSCS) satellite segment. Navy Super High
Frequency Satellite Communications, NTP 2, Section
1 (C), provides comprehensive coverage of the Navy
SHF satellite system.
Teleprinter patch panels are used for the
interconnection and transfer of teleprinter signals
aboard ship. In the previous block diagrams two patch
panels, one labeled red, the other black, were shown.
These are the teleprinter patch panels SB-1210/UG and
Figure 1-6.Ultra-high-frequency receive system.