Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
Identify the procedures, methods, and steps for the destruction of Secret and
below material.
Identify the procedures used for the verification of destruction records of
Secret and below material.
Identify the procedures for receipt, inspection, inventory, control,
destruction, and verification of destruction of SPECAT or Top Secret and
above material.
Identify the procedures for receipt, inspection, inventory, control,
destruction, and verification of destruction of COMSEC material.
Identify the procedures used when submitting required CMS reports to the
CMS custodian.
In this chapter we will address both general
classified material and COMSEC material that deals
with cryptosecurity in broad terms. The COMSEC
portion is written from the perspective of the local
holders, local holder alternates, and users
Personnel Security Program Regulations
As a Radioman, you will be required to handle
many different types of material. You must know the
correct procedures for receiving, inventorying,
destroying, and providing all required documentation
for this material.
General classified material usually is considered
classified messages, publications, and instructions.
COMSEC material is material used to protect U.S.
Government transmission, communications, and the
processing of classified and sensitive unclassified
information. This is related to national security
protection from unauthorized persons and material
allowing for the authenticity of all such
The protection of vital and sensitive information
moving over government communications systems is
crucial to the effective conduct of the government and
specifically to the planning and execution of military
operations. For amplifying information on the handling
of classified material, consult Information and
(OPNAVINST 5510. 1). For COMSEC material, refer
to Communications Security Material System (CMS)
Policy and Procedures Manual, CMS 1.
Classified material that is no longer required should
not be allowed to accumulate. Superseded and obsolete
classified materials that have served their purpose
should be destroyed in accordance with CMS 1 and
local requirements.
The following information is presented not with the
intent to give complete instructions or requirements; but
rather as an overview of basic methods.
Routine destruction of Secret and below material
may be accomplished by burning, pulping, pulverizing,
or shredding. Every command has a locally produced
destruction SOP; this SOP will detail the specific
requirements for your duty station.