should be used to ensure a total record. Time should be
automatically or manually recorded at intervals not to
exceed 5 minutes.
When a message is addressed to or is to be relayed
by the receiving station, the message must be written in
full on a message blank. Only details needed to identify
the message are inserted in the radio log. If the message
does not need to be recorded in full on a message blank,
the transmission should be recorded as completely as
feasible in the circuit log.
When opening a new circuit or starting a log for a
new day, the operator writes or types in his or her name
and rank/rate or grade in full. Upon being relieved or
closing the circuit, the operator must sign the log. The
oncoming operator then writes or types his or her name
and rank/rate or grade in full in the log.
perform their duties. They are responsible for
Log entries are never erased. Any necessary
changes are made by drawing a neat single line through
the original entry and indicating the changed version
adjacent to the lined out entry. When using the
typewriter, the operator may use the slant key to delete
erroneous entries. All changes must be initialed by the
operator making the change.
Circuit discipline is achieved through the proper
use of radio equipment, adherence to prescribed
frequencies and operating procedures, proper training,
and monitoring. The lack of circuit discipline, as well as
basic negligence, inaccuracy, and laxity, is responsible
for violations that endanger the integrity and security of
R/T transmissions.
It is essential that operators be well trained in proper
communications voice procedures to competently
maintaining circuit discipline at all times. Reliability,
security, and speed of communications are reduced
when operators dont follow prescribed procedures.