The structure of the communications organization
of a command depends on command size and whether
the command is ship- or shore-based. Not all Navy
ships have a communications department. Basic
Operational Communications Doctrine (U), NWP 4
(NWP 6-01), designates the types of ship that should
have a communications department. In ships that are
not so designated, communications personnel are
assigned to the operations department, but the
communications functions are the same as those for
ships with a communications department. Future
organization may structure communication and
automated systems into a combined information
systems department.
Senior enlisted personnel may be assigned
communications duties normally assigned to officers if
there are insufficient officers to fill communications
billets. Figure 2-3 shows a normal shipboard
communications organization. Key billets are further
discussed in this chapter.
Commanding Officer
The commanding officer of a ship or a shore
command is responsible for the communications of that
command. The only exception to this is when a flag
officer is embarked aboard a ship, making that vessel
the flagship. In such cases, the embarked commander
assumes control of flagship communications. The
commanding officer is still responsible for the proper
handling of message traffic within the ship.
Communications Officer
The communications officer (COMM officer) is
responsible for the organization, supervision, and
coordination of the commands exterior
communications. At shore stations, the COMM officer
is the department head. Aboard ship, the COMM
officer may be assigned as a department head or may be
assigned under the operations officer. Aboard ship, the
COMM officer is also responsible for the management
of related internal communications systems.
Radio Officer
The radio officer is in charge of the
communications center. This officer is responsible for
organizing and supervising assigned personnel to
ensure accurate, secure, and rapid communications.
The radio officer is responsible to the communications
officer for:
@ Preparing the commands communications plan;
Figure 2-3.Communications organization.