Monitoring the proper allocation of equipment
for operations;
Preparing and maintaining the communications
watch, quarter, and station bill;
Conducting the communications training
program; and
Preparing standard operating procedures (SOPs)
for the communications center.
On small ships, the communications officer and the
radio officer maybe the same person.
Communications Security Material System
(CMS) Custodian
The CMS custodian is responsible to the
commanding officer for:
Managing the CMS account in accordance with
t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s c o n t a i n e d i n t he
Communications Security Material System
(CMS) Policy and Procedures Manual, CMS 1;
Advising the commanding officer on matters
concerning the physical security and handling of
CMS publications and materials;
Stowage of CMS publications and materials, as
well as the drawing, correcting, and authorized
destruction; and
Submitting all reports concerning the
accountability and issuance of CMS
publications and materials.
Watch Section Personnel
The functions of the operational organization of a
communications command consist of:
Message processing, circuit operation, technical
control, data processing, and operation; and
Control of voice circuits and the operation of
satellite circuits, where installed.
The combined efforts of the operational
organization are performed in various spaces
simultaneously. In the next section, we will discuss the
duties and responsibilities of some of the key billets
within this organization.
(CWO). The CWO is responsible to the
communications officer for:
Ensuring that communications capabilities are
accomplished in accordance with the
commands mission;
Incoming and outgoing traffic, ensuring that all
messages, transmitted or received, are handled
rapidly and accurately in accordance with
existing regulations; and
Ensuring compliance with existing
communications directives and monitoring the
performance of on-watch personnel and spaces.
Fleet Communications (U), NTP 4, contains a detailed
listing of the duties of the CWO.
When assigned, the SWS is the senior enlisted person
on watch in communications spaces and is responsible
to the CWO for:
The proper handling of all communications;
Notifying the CWO on all matters of an urgent
or unusual nature;
Examining operational logs and monitoring
equipment alignment and operation; and
Directing action necessary to prevent or
overcome message backlogs.
In addition to the duties listed in NTP 4, the SWS is also
responsible for any other duties as maybe assigned by
the CWO.
VISOR. The communications center supervisor is
responsible to the CWO and SWS for:
Supervising message processing and circuit
Directly supervising all radiomen on watch in
the message processing center; and
Notifying the CWO and SWS on all matters of
an unusual or urgent nature.
The technical control (tech control) supervisor is
responsible to the CWO for:
Establishing and maintaining required circuits,
and initiating action to restore or bypass failed